Nicht alles im Leben, kann oder sollte erkämpft werden müssen.
Nein, gewisse Dinge im Leben müssen sich ergeben, entstehen, entwickeln…. aber sie dürfen nicht erkämpft werden müssen. So auch das „Loslassen“. Und dann…… wenn es sich ergibt, entwickelt, durch Vernunft, Einsicht, Rücksicht, Verstand und ,von Fall zu Fall, Liebe, bist du so weit… du kannst endlich loslassen….. und es tut garnicht so weh wie du gefürchtet hattest.

Letting Go by: Carol Dorman

Do you feel less than you’d like to? Less happy, less confident,  less „everything“ than others? Sometimes your head seems just  above the water even though the rope you’re holding is tight in your hands.

Perhaps you’re holding on when you should be letting go.

Letting go can be one of the most difficult things we ever have to do. It can also be one of the most liberating. Opening your  hand to let the butterfly fly away – that jewel-like creature we  wish we could hold forever – means its cycle of life can  continue, uninterrupted. The reward? Jewels returned to us tenfold, year after year, as we walk through a garden.

Some of my darkest times involve holding on to things.  Past mistakes which I refused to let fade from the „Open“ file in my  memory. The job I chose to leave behind in which I could have  achieved so much more.

The child who stayed in my body for just a few months before dying.  People who have hurt me and people I’ve hurt. So many things. I have discovered, however,  that letting go of just one thing at a time can bring peace and healing.

Now, letting go doesn’t mean forgetting. We can’t forget the  wrong decisions we’ve made in our lives, the loss of a loved one,  ending of relationships as well as the myriad of emotions  attached to each – and we shouldn’t. What we can do, however,  is let them go.

Release them from the forefront of our mind where we constantly call on them and,  instead, set them free to nestle into a soft, sleepy recess in our heart.

Always there to be reflected upon when needed, their essences entwined with our being and gently helping to create who we are.

We are all products of our past – good or bad – but we should  never be victims of it.  Regret, repent, grieve, learn from and  then…let go.    Remember the rope, held tight in your hands? Instead of being the only thing keeping your head above water,  it may be the thing keeping ONLY your head above water.

Is it holding you up or dragging you down?    Let go of it and float on your back for a while.  Close your eyes and drift with the gentle tide as it carries you onto the beach, safe and well.

Let go.

© Carol Dorman